We went to a friend's graduation at the Maverick Center recently, arriving early to get seated and settled with plenty of time before the ceremony. The Maverick Center is a pretty big place, and many gathered there to celebrate. I looked around as we waited. At first, all I could see was a crowd -- bodies moving around and arranging themselves, the mental image made kind of blurry just by the sheer number of people.
After a few minutes, though, I started to see individual people -- young adults excitedly flitting around, older folks carefully navigating potentially hazardous steps, parents guiding wide-eyed children to seats, infants resting in the arms of people who love them, generations of families finding seats together.
I'm not much a fan of crowds. I prefer smaller groups, familiar faces, opportunities to engage in deeper conversations than "Pardon me, are these seats taken?" But I was reminded again that a crowd is not just the sum of its parts, and it was good to be in that sea of faces celebrating collectively with people we love.
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