I am thankful for seasons, the phases of the moon, day and night, that mark the passage of time and give a sense of moving forward lest we forget that our time on earth is indeed limited. I am thankful for the water cycle. As I drove in this morning, I was thankful all over again that I do not drive a truck for a living, particularly in bad weather, and I am thankful also for those who do. I am thankful for a home with heat. In fact, not only are we able to stay sufficiently warm, but it heats up automatically without requiring us to gather firewood or make a fire. I am thankful for snowboarding, which takes a hazard and makes a fun sport of it. I am thankful for hot tea on cold mornings and cold tea on hot mornings.
As we move through this mildly snowy day, I choose to celebrate the day it is.
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