Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Who Are You?

Mark and I worshiped on Sunday at Hillaby Church of the Nazarene, led by Rev. Leonce. We participated in the Sunday School class led by the pastor's wife, Thelma. She started by asking the group, "Who are you?" The responses varied, of course -- about passions, personality traits, behaviors that come naturally, changes made, changes in process, ways of thinking. One answered, "I am a sinner saved by grace."

I like that response. She did not gloss over the fact that she is a sinner. As Romans 3:23 reminds us, we all fall short of God's perfect plan and desire. She did not make the mistake of stopping her description at the sinful nature, though. She is more than a sinner; she is one saved by grace! Having no merit of her own, she has accepted God's gift of mercy.

Who am I? I am tempted to answer that in terms of what I do, what I enjoy, how I feel, what concerns me, how others perceive me. Ultimately, though, I choose the identity stated by this person whom I'd never met: I am a sinner saved by grace.

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